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Making Corey Scherer's Bedroom Cloudscape 


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My philosophy on the importance of expression & creating a mood-elevating environment

Hi, my name is Verenice and I'm an artist who wears many hats. I'm a singer, song-writer & audio-engineer with a degree in Philosophy from UCLA. I also have ADHD, which I've learned to make work to my advantage. Sometimes, I have too many thoughts going on in my head at once and I'm not able to focus on just one to express it through songwriting. Therefore, I found it helps me to focus on creating something that's right in front of me, which has a more definite "end point" than a song, which I could endlessly tweak in the search for perfection. 

ADHD comes with mood swings, its just part of the nature of the beast. Hence, it became important for me to make sure that my surroundings are as beautiful, outer worldly, and visually stimulating as possible. 

That's where the clouds come in - looking at them simply makes me happy! And creating them for others allows me to share that excitement with others. Who doesn't love a touch of whimsy in their surroundings?

That being said, light therapy has long been practiced by psychologists all over the world - so it makes sense that the clouds help my mood so much - there's actual science behind it! (You gotta love a little scientific validation.) 

I really hope the clouds help you the way they did me - and at the very least - they're really cool looking accent pieces that add a wow-factor to literally any space. 

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